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StatBank Denmark
Education and research
Educational activity at universities by status, institution, education, ancestry, sex and age
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101530 IT-Universitetet i København
101561 Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi
101582 Københavns Universitet
147406 Copenhagen Business School - Handelshøjskolen
173405 Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
265407 Roskilde Universitet
461437 Syddansk Universitet
751465 Aarhus Universitet
851446 Aalborg Universitet
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Hovedgrupper (2 cifre)
Hovedgrupper (4 cifre)
Hovedgrupper (6 cifre)
H50 Vocational bachelors educations
H5020 Educational, VBE
H502025 Other educational courses VBE
H5024 Media and Communication, VBE
H502440 Media and communications in addition, VBE
H5025 Humanities and theological, VBE
H502535 Library- and information educations
H5038 Social science, Economics-Mercantile, VBE
H503810 Social science, Economics-Mercantile not specified, VBE
H503815 Administration Economist etc., VBE
H503820 Financial Management, etc., VBE
H503840 Social advice and dissemination, etc., VBE
H5039 Social Sciences, VBE
H503915 Administration, management and leadership, VBE
H5058 Technical educations, VBE
H505810 Technical not specified, VBE
H505815 Construction and installation engineering, VBE
H505820 Electronics and IT, technical, VBE
H505825 Energy and power technical, VBE
H505830 Engineering, VBE
H505840 Health and social care technology, VBE
H505845 Technique science, combined, VBE
H505850 Technical, manufacturing and product development, VBE
H505895 Technical in addition, VBE
H5059 Technical sciences, VBE
H505910 Technical sciences not specified, VBE
H505935 Electronics in addition, VBE
H5075 Food, biotechnology and laboratory technology, VBE
H507510 Food, biotechnology and laboratory technology not specified, VBE
H507515 Laboratory, food and process technology, VBE
H5080 Agriculture, nature and environment, VBE
H508045 Landscape architecture and management, VBE
H5089 Health, VBE
H508940 Hygienist and clinical dentistry, VBE
H60 Bachelors programs
H6020 Educational, BACH
H602030 Education, BACH
H6025 Humanities and theological, BACH
H602510 Humanistic not specified, BACH
H602512 Archaeology, BACH
H602515 Classical Studies, BACH
H602517 Ethnology, BACH
H602520 Philosophy, BACH
H602522 History, BACH
H602525 Idea and History of Science, BACH
H602526 Film, theater and musicology, etc., BACH
H602527 Literature, BACH
H602530 Communication and dissemination, BACH
H602532 Journalism and rhetoric, BACH
H602535 Information Science, etc., BACH
H602540 Experiential design, BACH
H602542 Music Therapy, BACH
H602545 Religion and Religion Science, BACH
H602550 Linguistics, BACH
H602552 Danish-Nordic language and literature, BACH
H602555 Middle East languages, BACH
H602557 Roman languages, BACH
H602560 Slavic, East European and Balkan, BACH
H602562 Southeast Asian languages, BACH
H602563 East Asian languages, BACH
H602565 West Germanic, BACH
H602570 Classical languages and philology, BACH
H602571 Ancient Languages BACH
H602575 Other language courses BACH
H602585 Business Language undergraduates BACH
H602589 Business language, combined, BACH
H602595 Humanistisk in addition, BACH
H602597 Theology, BACH
H6030 Arts, BACH
H603065 Music, BACH
H6035 Science, BACH
H603510 Science not specified, BACH
H603515 Biochemistry and molecular biology, BACH
H603517 Biology, BACH
H603520 Biomedicn and molecular medicine, BACH
H603522 Medicinal Chemistry, etc., BACH
H603525 Nanoscience and Nanobioscience, BACH
H603530 Physics and Physics, BACH
H603535 Geodesy and Geoinformatics, BACH
H603537 Geography, BACH
H603540 Geology, BACH
H603545 Sport, BACH
H603547 Chemistry, BACH
H603550 Mathematics, BACH
H603555 Statistics, BACH
H603560 Scientific IT education, BACH
H6039 Social Sciences, BACH
H603910 Social not specified, BACH
H603915 Administration, management and leadership, BACH
H603920 Anthropology, BACH
H603925 Globalization and International social studies, BACH
H603930 Law, BACH
H603935 Political Science, BACH
H603940 Psychology, BACH
H603945 Sociology, BACH
H603950 Economy, BACH
H603955 Business Economics not specified, BACH
H603965 Business Administration, BACH
H603970 Economics-business language, Negot., BACH
H6059 Technical sciences, BACH
H605910 Technical sciences not specified, BACH
H605915 Biotechnology and chemical technology, BACH
H605920 Nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology, BACH
H605925 Construction and installation engineering, BACH
H605930 Electronics and IT, BACH
H605935 Electronics, in addition, BACH
H605940 Energy technology, BACH
H605945 Surveying Science, BACH
H605950 Engineering, BACH
H605955 Environmental Engineering etc., BACH
H605960 Health and welfare technology etc., BACH
H605965 Technology and science combined, BACH
H605970 Engineering, manufacturing and product development, BACH
H605995 Technical sciences in addition, BACH
H6075 Food, biotechnology and laboratory technology, BACH
H607525 Food and nutrition science, BACH
H607595 Food and nutrition science in addition, BACH
H6080 Agriculture, nature and environment, BACH
H608020 Agricultural Sciences, BACH
H608025 Animal Science, BACH
H608030 Veterinary medicine, BACH
H608035 Forestry Science, BACH
H608040 Agriculture, food and environment combined, BACH
H608045 Landscape architecture and management, BACH
H608050 Natural Resources and Environment, BACH
H6090 Health science, BACH
H609025 Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, BACH
H609030 Public Health, BACH
H609035 IT and health sciences, BACH
H609050 Medicine, BACH
H609055 Odontology, BACH
H609095 Health, in addition, BACH
H70 Masters programs
H7020 Educational, MASTER
H702030 Education, MASTER
H7025 Humanities and theological, MASTER
H702510 Humanistic not specified, MASTER
H702512 Archaeology, MASTER
H702515 Classical Studies, MASTER
H702517 Ethnology, MASTER
H702520 Philosophy, MASTER
H702522 History, MASTER
H702525 Idea and History of Science, MASTER
H702526 Film, theater and musicology, etc., MASTER
H702527 Literature, MASTER
H702530 Communication and dissemination, MASTER
H702532 Journalism and rhetoric, MASTER
H702535 Information Science, etc., MASTER
H702537 Digital design and interaction design, MASTER
H702540 Experiential design, MASTER
H702542 Music Therapy, MASTER
H702545 Religion and Religion Science, MASTER
H702550 Linguistics, MASTER
H702552 Danish-Nordic language and literature, MASTER
H702555 Middle East languages, MASTER
H702557 Roman languages, MASTER
H702560 Slavic, East European and Balkan, MASTER
H702562 Southeast Asian languages, MASTER
H702563 East Asian languages, MASTER
H702565 West Germanic, MASTER
H702570 Classical languages and philology, MASTER
H702571 Ancient Languages MASTER
H702575 Other language courses MASTER
H702588 Business language, ling.merc., MASTER
H702589 Business language, combined, MASTER
H702595 Humanistisk in addition, MASTER
H702597 Theology, MASTER
H7030 Arts, MASTER
H703020 Painting arts, MASTER
H703065 Music, MASTER
H7035 Science, MASTER
H703510 Science not specified, MASTER
H703515 Biochemistry and molecular biology, MASTER
H703517 Biology, MASTER
H703520 Biomedicn and molecular medicine, MASTER
H703522 Medicinal Chemistry, etc., MASTER
H703525 Nanoscience and Nanobioscience, MASTER
H703530 Physics and Physics, MASTER
H703537 Geography, MASTER
H703540 Geology, MASTER
H703545 Sport, MASTER
H703547 Chemistry, MASTER
H703550 Mathematics, MASTER
H703555 Statistics, MASTER
H703560 Scientific IT education, MASTER
H703595 Natural sciences in addition, MASTER
H7039 Social Sciences, MASTER
H703910 Social not specified, MASTER
H703915 Administration, management and leadership, MASTER
H703920 Anthropology, MASTER
H703925 Globalization and International social studies, MASTER
H703930 Law, MASTER
H703935 Political Science, MASTER
H703940 Psychology, MASTER
H703945 Sociology, MASTER
H703950 Economy, MASTER
H703955 Business Economics not specified, MASTER
H703960 Business Administration, MSc., MASTER
H703970 Economics-business language, Negot., MASTER
H7059 Technical sciences, MASTER
H705910 Technical sciences not specified, MASTER
H705915 Biotechnology and chemical technology, MASTER
H705920 Nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology, MASTER
H705925 Construction and installation engineering, MASTER
H705930 Electronics and IT, MASTER
H705935 Electronics in addition, MASTER
H705940 Energy technology, MASTER
H705945 Surveying Science, MASTER
H705950 Engineering, MASTER
H705955 Environmental Engineering etc., MASTER
H705960 Health and welfare technology etc., MASTER
H705965 Technology and science combined, MASTER
H705970 Engineering, manufacturing and product development, MASTER
H705995 Technical sciences in addition, MASTER
H7075 Food, biotechnology and laboratory technology, MASTER
H707525 Food and nutrition science, MASTER
H707595 Food and nutrition science in addition, MASTER
H7080 Agriculture, nature and environment, MASTER
H708020 Agricultural Sciences, MASTER
H708025 Animal Science, MASTER
H708030 Veterinary medicine, MASTER
H708035 Forestry Science, MASTER
H708040 Agriculture, food and environment combined, MASTER
H708045 Landscape architecture and management, MASTER
H708050 Natural Resources and Environment, MASTER
H7090 Health science, MASTER
H709015 Occupational therapy, MASTER
H709020 Physiotherapy, MASTER
H709025 Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, MASTER
H709030 Public Health, MASTER
H709035 IT and health sciences, MASTER
H709040 Midwifery Science, MASTER
H709045 Nursing Science, MASTER
H709050 Medicine, MASTER
H709055 Odontology, MASTER
H709095 Health, in addition, MASTER
H80 PhD programs
H8025 Humanities and theological PhD
H802520 Philosophy, PhD
H8035 Science, PhD
H803510 Science not specified, PhD
H8039 Social Sciences, PhD
H803935 Political Science, PhD
H8059 Technical sciences, PhD
H805910 Technical sciences not specified, PhD
H8080 Agriculture, nature and environment, PhD
H808010 Agriculture, nature and the environment not specified, PhD
H8090 Health science, PhD
H809050 Medicine, PhD
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20-24 years
25-29 years
30-34 years
35-39 years
40-44 years
45-49 years
50 years and over
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Statistics Denmark
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