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StatBank Denmark
Education and research
Enrolled, vocational education and training by region, education, age, enrolment type, ancestry and sex (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : Number
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All Denmark
Region Hovedstaden
Region Sjælland
Region Syddanmark
Region Midtjylland
Region Nordjylland
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Hovedgrupper (2 cifre)
Hovedgrupper (4 cifre)
3039 Commerce
30390310 Commerce
3040 Technology and communication
30401010 Technology and communication
30401020 Media production
30401030 Power, control and IT
3042 Construction
30421010 Construction
30421020 Construction, new
3044 Trades and technique
30441010 Trades and technique
30441020 Production and development
3046 Food industry
30461010 Food industry
30461020 Food for humans
30461030Animals, plants and nature
3048 Mechanics, carriage and logistics
30481010 Mechanics, carriage and logistics
30481020 Cars, plains and other means of transport
30481030Transport and logistics
3049 Service
30491010 Service
30491020 Body and style
30491030 Building and user service
3050 Health, care and pedagogy
30501010 Health, care and pedagogy
3520 Pedagogy
35201010 Pedagogy
3539 Commerce, clerical trades
35390410 Commerce, individual eud
35390601 Sales assistant
35390905 Wholesale assistant
35392610 Office training
35392617 Office assistance education
35392657 Health secretary
35393210 Financial training
35393510 Event Coordinator
35394020 Customer contact centre training
3553 Construction
35530010 Building and construction,individual
35530015 Electricity and IT, individual
35531510 Bricklayer
35532010 Paver and structor
35532510 Stonemason
35533510 Building training of carpenters
35533545 Buildings mounting/fitting technician
35534005 Joiners training
35534040 Pattern maker
35534055 Woodcutting machinist
35535010 Plumbers training
35535045 Supply operator
35535050 Technical insulator
35535510 Housepainter
35535520 Sign writer
35535530 Coach painter
35535540 Industrial painting
35536510 Electrician
35537510 Stucco worker
35537520 Glazier
35537530 Chimney sweeper
35537540 Roofer
3554 Iron and metal
35540010 Production and development, individual eud
35543010 Blacksmith
35543012 Wind turbine operator
35543020 Shipbuilder
35543025 Marine fitter
35543029 Foundry Technician Training
35543046 Industrial welder
35543050 Farrier
35543060 Coach builder
35543080 Metal smith
35543510 Goldsmith
35543542 Precious stone work up and socking
35543544 Precious stone founder
35544010 Maritime crafts
35544055 Yacht maintenance/ready making assistant
35545005 Machine Learning
35545032 CNC-technique
35545050 Toolmaker
35545055 Moulder
35545075 Refrigerator fitter
35545080 Industrial technology
35545087 Productor
35545088 Industrial repairman
35545095 Training of industrial operators
35546003 Motor and motor electronic mechanic
35546013 Cycle and motorcycle mechanic
35546030 Air mechanic
35546033 Contractor/agricultural mach. Mechanic
35546034 Vehicle mechanic
35546035 Lorry mechanic
35546052 Boat mechanic
35546055 Marine mechanic
35546063 Precision mechanic
35547010 Electronics and communication engineer
35547025 Frontline radio-TV supporter
35547090 electronics operator
35547510 Technology and communication, individual eud
35548010 Automatics and process mechanics
35548040 Data and communication training
35548052 Frontline PC-supporter
35549010 Plastics maker and process operator training
35549020 Plastic maker
35549030 Process operator
3555 Graphics
35550025 Media Production, Individual eud
35551005 Media graphics
35552010 Digital media training
35552070 Web-integrator
35553020 Graphics technical
35553060 Bookbinder
35553090 Serigrapher
35556010 Film and TV production training
35557010 Photographer
3558 Technical and other industry
35583010 Technical designer
35583090 Theatre and technical exhibition assistant
35585010 Potter
35585060 Porcelain painter
35588010 Clothing craftsman
35588065 Shoemaker
35589040Sail and interior decorator training
3560 Service
35601010 Body and style, individual eud
35601015 Service, construction and customer service, individual vet
35602010 Watchmaker
35605010 Hairdresser
35605020 Cosmetician
35605050 Fitness instructor
35608010 Optometrist
35608020 Orthopaedist
35608060 Dental technician
35609010 Real property service assistant
35609045 Security guard
3575 Food industry and home economics
35750010 Food for humans,individual
35751510 Dairyman
35754005 Retail butcher
35754025 Industrial butcher
35754060 Cut cleaner
35754065 Fresh food assistant
35754510 Baker and confectioner
35755510 Kitchen and cafeteria assistant
35755540 Service assistant
35755580 Hotel and leisure assistant
35756010 Gourmet
35756210 From farm to fork, individual eud
35756510 Waiter
35756520 Receptionist
3580 Agriculture and fishing
35800010 Animals, plants and nature, individual eud
35801010 Veterinary nurse
35802004 Keeper at a zoo
35802005 Agricultural training
35804005 Greenhouse gardener
35804020 Production gardener
35804050 Landscape gardener
35804810 Greenkeeper
35805010 Forest and landscape technician
3585 Transport
35850080 Mechanic, transport and logistics, individual eud
35850085 Car, planes and other transport, individual eud
35855010 Airport cargo/transport operator
35856005 Driver
35856077 Bus driver
35856090 Salvage-corps man
35857005 Transportation
35857007 Warehouse training
35857038 Mail and goods operator
35857051 Port and terminal education
35857060 Cleaning of trains
3590 Health
35900015 Optometrist
35900080 Health care and education, individual VET
35901510 Social- and health helper etc.
35902010 Social- and health assistant
35906010 Dental Clinic assistant
35909510 Hospital technical assistant
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Age total
Under 17 years
17 years
18 years
19 years
20 years
21-22 years
23-24 years
25-30 years
31 year and over
enrolment type
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VET practical line
VET school line
School practice
Upper secondary access course
EUX practical line
EUX school line
EUX school practice
Not stated (other)
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Persons of Danish origin
Not stated
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(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark
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