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StatBank Denmark People
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MEDICIN4: Sale of prescription drugs (experimental statistics) by type of medicine, key figures, sex and age groups
Unit : Per 100,000 persons

Persons and redeemed prescriptions are calculated per 100,000 people. The statistics include persons who have redeemed at least one prescription in the reference year and with permanent residence in Denmark on the 1st of January in the reference year. A person who has redeemed prescriptions for different types of medicine (e.g. N05 and N06) in the same category (e.g. N) will only count once when the number of people is added up for the category. Age is calculated at the end of the year.

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type of medicine (109)
key figures (2)
sex (3)
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age groups (11)
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(select max. 10000)
22-1-2025 Statistics Denmark ,