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StatBank Denmark People
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FLYBOL: Left empty dwellings by Region, rooms, use and residence time in the housing (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : Number

2,7 percent (detached houses) 3,5 percent (terraced houses), 4,8 percent (Multi-dwelling houses) 8,6 percent (student hostels) has been left several times in 2015. The time of stay is based on a calculation of the person who have been living there for the longest period. 3,9 percent of the dwelling in 2015 is not left since CPR were establish around 1970 in these case is date of birth used. The time of stay for especial detached houses can therefore be a bit overestimated.

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region (99)
rooms (8)
use (5)
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residence time before moving (11)
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26-1-2025 Statistics Denmark ,